
How Does Acupuncture Heal Repair A Lateral Meniscus Tear

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How does acupuncture help for meniscal tears?

Acupuncture research is limited because it's hard to measure its effects. The lack of high-quality evidence ways we can't draw reliable conclusions all the same, and we can't tell how well acupuncture works for treating meniscal tears.

Many people written report finding acupuncture helpful for various symptoms and health weather despite this.

These include chronic pain, inflammation, arthritis and other musculoskeletal issues. Some enquiry suggests that acupuncture may speed up post-operative recovery times too .

So, what is acupuncture, and can it help you recover from your meniscus injury?

What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to treat various health disorders. It involves inserting thin needles superficially into the skin at specific points on your trunk. It is an essential part of traditional Chinese medicine, and Western medicine uses information technology in particular clinical fields.

Acupuncture in Western medicine vs Chinese medicine

Chinese medicine

Qi ('chee') is known as your vital life force or energy in Chinese medicine. This energy is said to catamenia in and around your body along unique energy pathways called meridians. For optimal health, the menses of Qi must be uninterrupted along these channels.
Acupuncture in Chinese medicine aims to right the catamenia of energy in your whole body and restore (and maintain) physical and mental health and wellbeing through this.

Western medicine

In Western medicine, the aforementioned needles are used but for different reasons.
Acupuncture used in Western medicine focuses on stimulating the cells and tissues in the needled area. For example, information technology is idea that the needles stimulate your natural pain relief, local allowed responses and sensory nerves that block hurting signals to your encephalon.

Western acupuncture aims to meliorate blood catamenia and reduce pain and inflammation in a localized area.

What does the inquiry say?

Knee pain, osteoarthritis and meniscus tears

Most knee acupuncture research shows how acupuncture affects knee joint pain from osteoarthritis (OA) in particular.
OA is a painful degenerative status that involves the bony surfaces and cartilage of a joint and is usually due to wearable and tear.
Similar to OA, the symptoms of a meniscus tear normally include a stiff, swollen and painful knee joint. With more than hurting after activity and discomfort, tightness and weakness in the surrounding soft tissues.
With western medical journals publishing more and more studies supporting acupuncture and the similarities (mentioned higher up) between meniscal tear and knee OA symptoms, more doctors are prescribing acupuncture as part of a larger holistic treatment program in patients with mild to moderate meniscus tears.

Although a meniscus tear is not necessarily a chronic hurting condition, its similarities to OA ways it may answer well if treated similarly.

New approaches to treatment emerging

A conservative arroyo to hurting handling is emerging, backed upwardly with solid evidence and guiding top-level healthcare institutions' pain management protocols.

Acupuncture is one of the modalities included in this conservative arroyo.

Prissy (The National Constitute for wellness and Intendance Excellence) recommends exercise, acupuncture, and transmission therapy  before any opioid medications to treat ongoing pain in the UK.

The National Centre for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) backs acupuncture for several common pain weather  in the Us. In addition, the World Wellness Organization (WHO) lists medical conditions that acupuncture may help treat , knee hurting included.

Here's a picayune look at some of the enquiry near using acupuncture for human knee hurting and meniscus tears:

  • Acupuncture tin can substantially reduce hurting, increment mobility, and improve quality of life .
  • It showed like results to physiotherapy  for hurting, function, and quality of life every bit a standalone handling.
  • When combined with medication , acupuncture has a meliorate therapeutic outcome in the early stages of knee OA than medication lone.
  • Blocking  pain signals  helps reduce pain and eases the tension associated with many musculoskeletal conditions , including knee pain.
  • Acupuncture was better than morphine  in reducing acute pain (92% vs 78%), worked faster (twenty minutes vs 35 minutes), and far fewer people had agin effects (four vs 85) than with morphine.
  • Acupuncture may positively bear upon cartilage , hinting that information technology may play a office in promoting cartilage repair.

If y'all are interested in reading more of the research, this website  offers a skillful amount of insight into acupuncture studies.

When reviewing acupuncture research, information technology's evident that many studies report positive therapeutic effects of acupuncture. Acupuncture is said to cause physiological changes in the cells and tissues. Scientists predict these changes cause a cascade of other physiological events in the trunk.

Measuring the true extent of all the interconnected furnishings of acupuncture is almost impossible due to the limited technology bachelor to scientists today.

Farther studies are necessary. And, as medical technology improves, hopefully, we will see more robust testify of the positive effects of acupuncture.

Acupuncture treatment sessions

How long does it accept for acupuncture to work?

Every person is different, but about people notice improvements afterwards two or three sessions. With regular acupuncture sessions, many people report less pain and an overall sense of wellness in both psychological and concrete health.

Sessions may last anywhere from a few minutes up to 30 minutes or longer per handling session, depending on your needs and your practitioner's protocols.

How many sessions practice you need?

Scientists concur that acupuncture reduces knee hurting, but they haven't decided on a universally accepted treatment frequency. About clinical trials take just used acupuncture twice per calendar week. In contrast, Chinese clinical practices usually include iii to five sessions per calendar week.

Nigh acupuncturists will piece of work co-ordinate to your needs. They will assess you and determine the best frequency to give y'all the virtually successful outcome from your treatment.

Most common points used in knee pain acupuncture

ST36, ST35, SP10, EX-LE5, EX-LE2 are the about commonly used points in human knee pain treatment. However, there are many points, as shown in the prototype below.

These are the acupuncture points most frequently used for knee pain and that may be useful as part of the treatment of a torn meniscus.

Dry needling vs acupuncture

Dry needling uses the same type of needle but doesn't focus on 'acupoints' or energy meridians like acupuncture. Instead of releasing myofascial trigger points, information technology releases muscle tension and increases apportionment.

Risks and side effects

Acupuncture is safe when done by a trained and licensed professional who is competent and uses sterile needles.

The most mutual side effects of acupuncture are tenderness or soreness at the needle insertion sites, bruising, or slight bleeding. In improver, dizziness, fainting, increased pain and nausea are adverse effects just are much less frequent.


You should tell your acupuncturist if:

  • Y'all take blood-thinning medications or have a bleeding disorder (acupuncture increases blood flow, so information technology could make y'all drain).
  • You lot're pregnant or trying to become meaning (specific points can stimulate labor).
  • Y'all have a pacemaker (you should not have electroacupuncture).

Finding an acupuncture practitioner


In many countries, acupuncture is unregulated and not protected by a professional clan. Therefore, anyone can claim to be an acupuncturist there.

Unlike types of acupuncture and specialities

There are different types of acupuncture bachelor. In addition, many acupuncturists have particular speciality areas. And this can make information technology challenging to choose where to go.

Whether you cull medical acupuncture, dry out needling, or traditional acupuncture methods, it's essential to get to someone reputable who is held accountable to professional person standards.

Where to first

It would be all-time to start treating your meniscus tear past finding someone particularly trained in treating pain in muscle and joint disorders and registered with a reputable acupuncture association in your land.

Getting recommendations from your medico or searching acupuncture association websites for registered practitioners will assistance you find someone reliable in your area.

Acupuncture should be part of your bigger picture show

Our article about meniscus tears  explained that symptomatic handling helps in the short term. But tackling the root cause of injury is the best solution for healing the structures in the knee and preventing further or future injury.

Acupuncture may help reduce hurting and inflammation and aid with healing knee cartilage. Yet, information technology cannot supercede a loftier-quality rehabilitation program that addresses the underlying causes of your meniscus tear or knee hurting.

The best way to exercise this is with a structured strengthening and rehabilitation plan  that calms inflammation, supports and realigns your body and reduces the strain on your knees.

The Exakt Health App  contains an evidence-based practice plan for meniscus tears to help yous recover. Practise y'all want to get dorsum to running quicker later on your meniscus surgery, or are you trying to avoid surgery by treating your meniscus injury? We tin can help!

Y'all tin can download the app  for gratuitous and start your personalized handling program today.

Click to download the app and start your recovery from running injuries

In that location are three main reasons why many people choose acupuncture to help treat their meniscus tears:

1) It doesn't involve whatever medications
2) In that location are no significant side furnishings
three) You lot can do it at any age!

However, as with all holistic therapies, not everyone will reply every bit well to acupuncture. If it works for you, go on going with it. If not, endeavor something else to support your rehab program.


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